Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jamaican Jerk Chicken

It's been awhile since I've posted a meal/recipe on here! Last night my boyfriend got to choose what I was going to make for us for dinner and he chose Jamaican Jerk chicken and a side salad. YUM!

Ingredients used:
2tbs Natural Grapeseed Oil ($13 for 12oz bottle)
Wildtree's Jamaican Jerk blend ($9 for a 4.5oz jar)
1 pound chicken tenderloins, rinsed

I heated up the grapeseed oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. I sprinkled one side of the chicken with the Jamaican Jerk seasoning (about 2 pinches per piece of chicken (my tenderloins were already cut into little chicken strip sizes)). I placed them all seasoned side down in the pan to sear that side, then i immediately sprinkled the face up side of the tenderloin the same way.

You can definitely use more or less seasoning depending on how flavorful you want your meat. Since we were having a bland side dish I chose to season a little heavier than I normally would have. I turned the heat down to medium and flipped the tenderloins over. I seared that side for a few minutes then turned the heat down to almost low. I cooked the chicken on this heat so that they stayed SUPER juicy and tender.

I tend to flip meat when it's cooking more than is suggested so it's just easier for me to cook it on a low heat so that I don't make it tough :)I checked the middles periodically and when the juices were clear and the meat was all white I served the tenderloins out onto a plate with a side salad already on it. Enjoy!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What's for lunch?

This blog won't be so much of a recipe as it will be a "this is what I do each week so that I don't eat fast food for lunch" type of blog :) haha! Each Sunday or Monday I go to the store and buy a package of thin sliced chicken breasts. I come home, rinse them off, pat them dry, and get to work! Well I can't call it "work"... it isn't hard at all :) I heat up some Grapeseed oil in a large frying pan (either Natural or Garlic flavored), sprinkle on some Wildtree blends (I try to do a variety of them so that I can have several different types of meals throughout the week), put them in the pan (seasoned side down of course) and then sprinkle the other sides with those same blends. I cook them until they are done, put them in separate baggies, label the baggies, then toss them all into the freezer. Each night I pull one of them out and put it in the fridge and by lunch time it's totally thawed and ready to be consumed :D

This week I used:
Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil (item #10226. $13 for a 12.7oz bottle)
Chipotle Lime Rub (item #10736. $7.50 for a 2.4oz jar)
Garlic Galore Seasoning Blend (MY FAVORITE!) (item #10725. $7 for a 3.7oz jar)
California Style Garlic Pepper (item #10570. $12 for a 5.6oz jar)
Scampi Blend (item #10450. $12 for a 4.5oz jar)

California Style Garlic Pepper

Garlic Galore

Chipotle Lime

Scampi Blend

Once they are done cooking, make sure you let them cool quite a bit before putting them in a baggie and freezing them

Finished baggies all ready for the freezer! (Oh, and it's obviously best if you label the baggies so that you know which is which :) Once they're frozen they sometimes look like different seasoned ones)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pasta with baby shrimp, baby scallops, garlic, and parmesean

Today I was in the mood for seafood, pasta, and garlic :) I won't lie, typically I would run right over to my local Olive Garden and will chow down on one of their amazing pasta dishes.... HOWEVER, I am trying to eat healthier and more natural and I'm honestly not sure what they use to season their dishes nor do I know the quality of the ingredients that they use, or where their seafood comes from. So I thought to myself, I wonder if I could somehow make my own seafood pasta dish using locally caught shrimp and scallops (from the Pacific Northwest), and all natural seasonings and oils..... and TA DA! Here we are! :D

Wildtree ingredients:
1 tablespoon Butter Flavored Grapeseed oil (item #10282 -$13 for a 12fl oz bottle)

Large pinch (so technical huh? ;) haha)Garlic Galore Seasoning Blend (item #10725 - $7 for a 3.7oz Jar)

Medium pinch (again, so technical!) Garlic & Herb Blend (item #10192 -$8 for a 1.85oz jar)

Several pinches California Style Garlic Pepper Blend (item #10570 -$12 for a 5.6oz jar)

Other ingredients:
-Boiling water (don't laugh, it's an ingredient too! ;))
- A handful or two of any pasta (I used these corkscrew looking ones from Costco)
- Teaspoon fresh chopped garlic (optional)
- Handful of baby shrimp (precooked)
- Handful of baby sea scallops
- About 1/8c Parmesan cheese

So first I boiled the water and tossed the pasta in since it had to boil for 12min. Then i took the Garlic Pepper and tossed in a few pinches of it to help season the water and the pasta a tiny bit.Then I took my Butter flavored grapeseed oil and heated it in a medium size pan over medium heat for a minute or so.

I rinsed the baby shrimp and scallops REALLY well under cold water.

I tossed them into the pan of oil once it was heated. I immediately added the garlic galore, garlic and herb blend, and garlic pepper. It sounds like a LOT of garlic flavoring, but it really isn't.

I sauteed them for a few min and then tried a shrimp to make sure I liked the flavoring. It tasted a bit bland so I added about 3/4 teaspoon of fresh garlic to the pan. I cooked it a little longer but the shrimp were getting TINY and the scallops were done so i turned the heat off. Once the pasta was done I drained it and put some on a plate. I then used a slotted spoon to scoop the seafood mixture onto the pasta.

Finally, I added some grated Parmesan cheese on top, and then enjoyed my lunch!!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Makeshift Margharita Pizza using all natural ingredients

I was really craving a homemade margharita type pizza today so I decided to combine a margharita pizza recipe I have from Food Network and the Caprese recipe I have from Olive Garden into a low-fat version of both that is absolutely delicious! :)

Wildtree ingredients:
-1 package So Quick & Easy Whole Wheat Pizza Dough (two packages come in a box)(item #10684, $6)
-1 tablespoon Roasted garlic Grapeseed oil (item #10226, $13 for a 12.7oz bottle) (you can easily substitute in any of the grapeseed oils if you aren't big on garlic)
-Sprinkle of Tuscany Bread Dipper Herb Blend (discontinued item #10437, $7 for a 1.5oz jar)

Other ingredients:
-1/2c very warm water
-about 1/4c chopped fresh organic basil
-1 thinly sliced organic Roma tomato (I used a homegrown one)
-All natural, low-fat, store brand shredded mozzarella cheese
- 1-2 tablespoons of low-fat mayonnaise

First preheat oven to 500 degrees. Place a pizza stone on the lowest rack in the oven for about 20min before doing anything else (the pizza dough box says 30 minutes but since the dough rises for 10 minutes I cut the stone preheating time down to 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes I took a package of Wildtree's "So Quick & Easy Whole Wheat Pizza Dough" (there are two packages in the box), used 1/2 cup very warm water, 1 tablespoon of Wildtree's Roasted Garlic Grapeseed Oil and mixed them all together.

I then kneaded the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes as it says on the box. After letting the dough rest, I carefully stretched the pizza dough out to about the size of a small/medium pizza. I VERY thinly spread the mayonnaise onto the pizza dough and VERY lightly sprinkled the Tuscany blend on top (I try not to mix too many different flavors into pizzas because I have this fear that it will all become overwhelming and I won't like it :) hahaha).

The back of the pizza dough box says to be doing all of this on a floured surface that you can slide the pizza off of once it has its toppings on, onto the round pizza stone... since I never have good luck in doing this I just made sure I had all of my toppings ready to go, and i assembled it once the dough was on the pizza stone. Keep in mind, however, that the pizza stone is 500 degrees hot so it is going to start cooking the dough as soon as it is set on the stone.... which is why it's so important to have everything ready to go beforehand. I gently laid the dough on the pizza stone, then carefully but quickly put the mozzarella cheese on top (making sure there was enough room for the cheese to melt but not drip down on the pizza stone). I then quickly sprinkled the basil on (you can add more than I did of course if you prefer more) and spread the tomatoes out (again, you can certainly add more tomatoes if you would like. Next time I will probably add another 1/2 Roma tomato, although this was delicious with just the one tomato on it).

I put the pizza in at 500 degrees for about 9 minutes... this will depend on your oven of course, some will take longer than others so just bake it until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is slightly "toasted" as I like to call it :)

Let the pizza cool a little bit, slice it, and enjoy!
If you made any changed to the recipe and would like to share them, please comment below! Thanks!
